Acupuncture Near Marlborough
If you are looking for acupuncture near Marlborough, then you are in the right place. Kristin Misik has been practicing acupuncture for 20 years and has a wealth of experience to help with a wide variety of conditions. KM Acupuncture is conveniently located near Marlborough in the village of New Paltz.
Kristin began her acupuncture practice in Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan in the early 2000’s. Given the central proximity to the densely populated areas of Times Square, Broadway, and the Port Authority, Kristin had a bustling clinic. This clinic laid the foundation for Kristin to hone and refine her skills in both pain and stress management.
Acupunture Near Marlborough, NY
Find the best acupuncture clinic for you near Marlborough, NY
Stress is responsible for 99% of all modern diseases. Whether emotional, physical, or chemical, stress is the reason our cellular machinery breaks down and flips the switch on our genetic predisposition to various diseases. Our modern lives are inherently stressful, and the ancient practice of acupuncture provides a wonderful antidote to the ill-effects of stress.
The connection between pain symptoms and stress.
When we are under stress, our brain is interpreting this experience as an actual threat to our survival. Our brains are hard-wired to respond to threats to our survival with a cascade of biochemical changes to keep us safe from said danger. It doesn’t matter if the danger is perceived (if I don’t meet this deadline for work I’ll be in trouble) or real (there’s a crazy person with a weapon coming at me). The effect is the same: we are primed for fight, flight or freeze mode.
The cascade of biochemical changes creates changes in blood sugars, circulation, respiration, digestion, fertility, and many other physiological changes. Over time, with repeated triggers into fight, flight or freeze, this has a negative impact on our health. Everything from chronic inflammation, to insomnia, to immune system dysfunction to muscle pain and injury can result from too much stress.
Stress has broad-reaching consequences for health, and fortunately, there is a simple solution to mitigate the continual triggering of a stress state: acupuncture. Acupuncture relaxes the nervous system, switching us from a sympathetic (stressed) to parasympathetic (relaxed) state. Acupuncture improves circulation, enhances fluid exchange promoting detoxification, regulates digestion and much more.
Visit us Today
There are many benefits of acupuncture including, reduced stress, neck tension, back pain, eye strain, and allergy relief.
Acupuncture also improves your immune system, increases energy, and enhances mental clarity. If you need Acupuncture near Marlborough, book an appointment with us today!