Can acupuncture help with chronic illness?
We all know someone in our lives who has suffered with a health condition that conventional treatments have failed to provide a solution for. The path of healing, for these folks, is anything but a straight line.

Acupuncture for allergies: how to get the most out of treatment.
If you are a seasonal allergy sufferer, it’s time to take action to stop the suffering. While antihistamines and OTC allergy medications can provide great relief for allergy symptoms, using them chronically often creates unintended consequences. Namely, they become less and less effective, and are often associated with side effects that are as annoying as allergy symptoms.
Patients who rely on allergy medication daily often experience very limited effectiveness on peak days of pollen, which is how they ultimately end up on my doorstep.

Acupuncture for Insomnia
We all know the importance of consistent, quality sleep. Sleep provides your body the opportunity to repair the damage done in a day. Sleep is important for physical renewal, hormone regulation, repair, and growth.
Without adequate quality and quantity of sleep you’re more likely to get sick, feel depressed, and gain an unhealthy amount of weight. We are also more prone to making cognitive mistakes, have poor judgement, and are less productive.

Acupuncture for Acid Reflux
There are a number of factors that can negatively influence healthy digestion, the most common and obvious are stress and diet. Rarely do we find one cause for any one disease process, and acid reflux is no different, there are likely many contributing factors to acid reflux.

Does acupuncture help with pregnancy?
Whether you are trying to conceive a baby, or you are already pregnant, many women seek safe, holistic alternatives to therapies like pharmaceuticals while they are pregnant.
In some cases, getting off of a prescription medication in preparation for pregnancy is a wise option, as many drugs pose health risks to a developing fetus. In other cases, it is not in the best interest of the mother’s health to stop a medication, so make sure you consult with your doctor before making any changes to your medication routine.

Does acupuncture help with weight loss?
Unfortunately, gaining weight is easy, getting it off is much harder. People in search of weight loss support and solutions often consider acupuncture as an adjunct therapy to help them with their weight loss goals. More often than not, people are hoping acupuncture will provide a shortcut to weight loss. So the million dollar question is can acupuncture help you loose weight?

Understanding the Spirit of Spring Energy
The changing of seasons brings about an adaptation process that our body and psyche must undergo in accordance with the Tao, or the Way of life, whether we are “ready or not”. According to the universal law of life change is inevitable, imminent, and unavoidable. Things are always changing, transforming and transmuting from one stage to the next.
The change of seasons is always a wonderful opportunity to watch the unfolding of time outside; dramatic change can happen overnight.

Does acupuncture hurt?
Are you looking for an alternative to address your health concerns and considering acupuncture? Are you wondering, does acupuncture hurt? Most people who are considering acupuncture have either found no alternative solution to their health problem, or are looking to improve outcomes of other concurrent therapies.
Whatever your reason, most people are naturally apprehensive of needles. After all, the vast majority of people have had a shot, and those aren’t pleasant at all!!!

Seasonal allergy symptoms: natural relief without drugs
Allergies are the result of an inappropriate response from your immune system: normal environmental stimuli stress the immune system and trigger a hyperactive histamine response.
The seasonal allergy symptoms are the result of histamines
Inflammation, swelling, sneezing, itching, rashes and the discomforts typically associated with inflammation.Histamines are part of a normal immunological response, however, for people with allergies, histamines are over-produced.

Does acupuncture help with fertility?
Have you been trying to get pregnant for a while now and just aren’t having any success? Are you looking for natural solutions to help you conceive? Acupuncture is a proven therapy to increase the odds of successful conception as an adjunct to in vitro fertilization or natural methods. Whether you have menstrual irregularities like PCOS or endometriosis, or a healthy cycle, acupuncture might be an appropriate therapy to help you conceive your baby.

Mental health, the microbiome and antibiotic use
If you have to take antibiotics, take preventative measures to minimize the damage to your micro-biome by eating lots of pro-biotic rich foods.

Why joints hurt when it's cold
Ever wonder why joints hurt when it's cold? Is it mere coincidence and is there anything you can do about it?
During periods of cold whether, particularly winter time, there is an increase in lower body pain.
Cold weather can cause the joints to hurt because cold weather causes a change in the joint fluid. Cold temps cause the joint fluid to thicken, and this subsequent shrinking of the tissues in turn pulls on the nerve endings and causes pain.
This begs the question, is there anything you can do about it? The answer is YES.